Wifely Wisdom

Life would be
So much easier
Things would run
So much breezier

If Hubby would
Simply agree
If the man would
Suddenly see

That I’m the one
Who’s always right
Whatever the problem,
Purpose, or plight

Cindy, go figure,
Always knows best
No need to ponder,
Question, or guess

If only he would
Trust me on this
Oh happy day
And marital bliss!

Husbands, perhaps
Might argue this point
Get themselves riled
A bit out of joint

But wives everywhere
Will surely agree
And right now are saying
“Just listen to me!”

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Whose Muse

This is nothing
But a lame excuse
But blame this week’s stupor
On my difficult muse
Whatever I tried
My muse did refuse
To offer anything that
Might remotely amuse

Here it is, Sunday night
And my poem is really bad
Considering my standards
This is truly sad!
Maybe these next few days
My muse will turn to glad
And what I end up writing
Will somehow turn out rad

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Get Lost

You can’t miss it!
Well, take a guess what
The phrase fills me with fear
And puts knots in my gut

If there’s a way to get lost
That’s all I will find
The landmark’s dissappeared
Drives me out of my mind

The GPS system
On my fancy smart-phone
Generally speaking
Can get me back home

But it does make mistakes
That’s what I think
And I find myself lost
Before my eyes blink

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Ode to The Big Bang Theory

There must be worse
As addictions go
But mine is to
A TV show

On The Big Bang Theory
I am sold
Leonard and Penny
Never get old

I’ve only been watching
For about a year
I’ve missed a lot
But never fear

I have caught up
With re-runs galore
So now I know
All Big Bang lore

I know I’m hooked
I actually cried
When in this season
Mrs. Wolowitz died

Amy Farrah Fowler,
Bernie, Howard, Rog
These characters rock
A comic collage

Some gags are
A bit too crude
And laughing likely
Makes me rude

But laugh I do
At every joke
Let’s face it, Sheldon’s
A wierdly charming bloke

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Emmy or Oscar?

I’d love to put Jessie
Onto a screen
Whether TV or silver
Has yet to be seen

I may be biased
But I really do know
The Cue Ball Mysteries
Would make a great show

The characters are quirky
The dialogue snappy
Many LOL moments
To make people happy

A Cue Ball mini-series
Wouldn’t that be neat?
It would keep every viewer
Glued right to their seat

So hey, TV directors
Why not discover me?
This show will win Emmys
Just wait and see

Or if anyone knows anyone
In movie production
I’d give my right arm
For a friendly introduction

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The Nantucket Blues

Nantucket’s the topic of many a poem
But alas, it’s a place I never have roamed

I hear it’s an isle in the grand state of Mass
Some write rhymes about it ever so crass

My little efforts are far more G-rated
I allude to some stuff but it’s all understated

And lest I’m accused of being a prude
I’d rather be boring than risk being crude

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Whimsical Wednesday: On Friendship

My whimsical guest today is the fantastic mystery author Polly Iyer! Take it away Polly…


When Webster wrote his dictionary,
and Roget wrote his Thesaurus,
they had in mind to educate,
in a way so’s not to bore us.

They wrote on Music, Art and Beauty,
each harder to define,
on Hate and Joy and Motherhood,
on Thou and Bread and Wine.

The definition so hard for me,
and one I can’t defend,
is how they tend to miss the point,
when describing what’s a friend.

The meaning of that simple word,
they wrote more than one way.
but I’ve my own description
to relay without delay.

A friend is tried and true of heart,
a platonic kind of love.
One who takes you as you are,
and who you’d fart in front of.

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Polly Iyer

When Cindy asked me for a poem, I thought back to one I wrote a while back. I’ve been blessed to have many friends and even more blessed to have those friendships span decades. My book Murder Déjà vu has, of course, a murder and a mystery, but it also has a deep friendship―one that is forged between two men in prison. Though my poem is on the light side, the friendship in the book is made of darker stuff. How much would you sacrifice for a friend? Would you give your life? Would you take one?

Polly Iyer is the author of four mystery/suspense novels on Amazon: HOOKED, InSight, MIND GAMES, AND MURDER DÉJÀ VU.

You can read more about her books on her website at http://PollyIyer.com


Never Fear, Poetry’s Here

Writing a poem makes some folks a-feared
But really it isn’t all that terribly weird

If at first the words don’t rhyme
Take a deep breath and take your time

The right phrase will hit you when you least expect
And your creation will have the perfect effect

You’ll be proud of your poem, trust me on this
Because rhyming words brings happiness and bliss

So give it a try, what is there to lose?
Silly poetry wards away the blues

No, really! It’s better and safer than drugs
Composing a poem’s like getting warm hugs

So if you decide to try and you’re game
Drop me a line and await glowing fame

You can find out how by hitting the “Contact” button
And you’ll soon be rhyming words like a poetry glutton!

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Julia Child I Ain’t

Years of trying but it never took
The fact remains I hate to cook

Given my druthers on what I prefer
To others my stove, I would gladly defer

Not that I can’t cook and bake
I make a to-die-for chocolate cake

Hubby likes that cooking stuff
Elaborate prep? He can’t get enough

Peaches for cobbler he is blanching today
and he’s roasting some garlic in a dish made of clay

Some sort of pasta sauce he is apt to prepare
With graters and blenders he has quite a flare

So to his heart’s delight my hubby cooks
Meanwhile me? I’ll be writing my books