A Contest, Honest

Playing With Poison
The audiobook is out
You haven’t read it?
No need to pout
Just finish this poem
And give me a shout

Five audio prizes
I am giving away
You’ve read this far
So what do you say?
This is free, people
You won’t have to pay

So leave me a comment
If you’re intrigued but at all
But hurry, don’t wait,
Don’t forget, and don’t stall
And you could be listening
And having a ball

I’ll choose five winners
Five lucky souls
On Saturday, May 3
This contest will close
Who will I choose?
Nobody knows!

But this Cue Ball audio
Might be yours for the taking
Yes, it’s exciting
This scheme I am baking
If you are a winner
Your hands will be shaking!

Once you have your
Free audio code in hand
Listen up and laugh
But don’t just there stand
And here’s my request
But not a command

It you like what you hear
And I’m quite sure you will
I’ll ask you to take out
Your book-reviewing quill
And leave a review at Amazon
About this audio-book thrill

All Rights Reserved

Fine print:  To be eligible for a free Audible version of “Playing With Poison” leave a comment on this blog post.  Five winners will be selected from the comments left through Saturday, May 3, and each winner will receive a code for a free Audible copy of Playing With Poison. You will need to have an account at Audible.com to use this prize. Note, this is not a CD copy of the book. Thanks for your interest 🙂


Spring in the South

Of spring flowers
I love the most
Are the ones
As white as ghosts

Daffodils pop up
So bright and cheering
Their yellows and golds
Tell me spring is nearing

And tulips vivid
In colors like red
I like seeing them
In long flowing beds

Azaleas bloom
In purples and pinks
But the white are the nicest
That’s what me thinks

And set underneath
Some dogwoods in bloom
Makes my heart go
Pitter-patter, ka-boom

Springtime white flowers
So downright ethereal
Thank you for giving me
This week’s poetry material

All Rights Reserved

The Voice of Jessie: Round One Done!

One Cue Ball done
Three more to go
As with most stuff
The process is slow
Thought you’d be curious
So am letting you know
Playing With Poison
Now on audio!

The Voice Of Jessie
Wait ‘til you hear
Several auditioned
Then she appeared
Caroline Miller-
Definitely top tier
I heard her do Jessie
And dismissed all my fears

Rye, Candy, Karen
And so many more
You’ll love Geez Louise
Even Jimmy’s got allure
Caroline has skills
And great talent galore
A treat for your ears
Now is in store!

Playing With Poison on Audio is available at Amazon, of course!

All rights reserved


Slower Than Slow

After four books
You’d think I would know
How to write fast
And not super-slow

The premise is there
At the edge of my brain
But writing it down
Can drive me insane

A sentence a day
Sometimes that’s it!
The words just don’t fly
It causes me fits

A perfectionist I am,
A stickler for detail
I try for expedience
But often I fail

So if you expect
My new book next week
I confess to you here
Your prospects are bleak

All Rights Reserved