Playing With Poison
The audiobook is out
You haven’t read it?
No need to pout
Just finish this poem
And give me a shout
Five audio prizes
I am giving away
You’ve read this far
So what do you say?
This is free, people
You won’t have to pay
So leave me a comment
If you’re intrigued but at all
But hurry, don’t wait,
Don’t forget, and don’t stall
And you could be listening
And having a ball
I’ll choose five winners
Five lucky souls
On Saturday, May 3
This contest will close
Who will I choose?
Nobody knows!
But this Cue Ball audio
Might be yours for the taking
Yes, it’s exciting
This scheme I am baking
If you are a winner
Your hands will be shaking!
Once you have your
Free audio code in hand
Listen up and laugh
But don’t just there stand
And here’s my request
But not a command
It you like what you hear
And I’m quite sure you will
I’ll ask you to take out
Your book-reviewing quill
And leave a review at Amazon
About this audio-book thrill
All Rights Reserved
Fine print: To be eligible for a free Audible version of “Playing With Poison” leave a comment on this blog post. Five winners will be selected from the comments left through Saturday, May 3, and each winner will receive a code for a free Audible copy of Playing With Poison. You will need to have an account at to use this prize. Note, this is not a CD copy of the book. Thanks for your interest 🙂
Count me in,
Hope I win!
Sound like fun. Thanks
I hope I win. Big fan of the Cue Balls!
Oh sweet! I purchased the first book a few months ago. I would love to win another!
I think it’s cool
That you write about pool
Your book was funny
Rye’s a honey
Adele is great, feisty and snazzy
I think her mate, Karen needs to do something that rhymes with that … but I can’t fit anything suitable with the word “jazzy” into this darn poem, bugger.