Visions of Final Revisions

Close to last revision
Is now underway
Then my beta readers
Will get a say
About what should go
And what should stay
What to keep
Or take away
Hopefully for most
They’ll say a “Yay”
But I count on them
To offer some “Nays”
I’ll take it back
And on those sections play
Looking forward
To that day
And then I will say
Zippity doo-da
Hip, hip, hooray!

All Rights Reserved

Double Shot The Poem

Ninety-nine cents
Is a very nice price
With a sale like this
You needn’t think twice

A Cue Ball Mystery–
Double Shot’s number two
You’ll laugh quite a lot
Before you are through

To say it’s serious,
Educational, edifying
Would be a stretch
And I’d be lying

But if you are seeking
A read for the beach
I advise you have Double Shot
Within easy reach

A cozy mystery
With a car-chase to boot
You’ll love Jessie’s mother
Tessie’s a hoot!

Of course, Jessie the pool shark
Takes center stage
And Wilson Rye’s
On most every page

A cop named Sass
And a poodle called Puddles
Are just two of the issues
To give Jessie troubles

Because, of course
She must solve a crime
Wilson actually asks
For her help this time

And about Jessie’s past
You will learn a lot
So why not click here?
And read Double Shot

All Rights Reserved

p.s. the 99 cent sale ended Wednesday 7/23/14!

Glad He’s Not One Hundred

For Hubby’s birthday–
He’s turning fifty
I had an idea
I thought kind of nifty

Fifty gifts for him
Given in three days
As we near the end
It’s kind of a haze

His mother is here
And has helped quite a bit
She contributed several
All were a hit

His brothers sent
A nice bottle of wine
My contributions
Weren’t nearly so fine

Some friends and the cat
Got in on the plans
Hubby has lots
Of generous fans

Décor for the garden
And also a teapot
Stuff for the kitchen
Was featured a lot

Most gifts were cheap
And many were silly
But most were of use
Since Hubby hates frilly

If he hits one hundred
Will I try this again?
Oh, sure why not?
Cuz we’re truly insane

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