The Manicure News Blues

My nails are seldom
A Beautiful sight
But in gardening season
They’re rather a fright

I start out in gloves
But that never works
Bare fingers prove better
To dig in the dirt

Mud-caked and chipped
And forget about polished
A week’s worth of planting
Means ten nails demolished

They get clean eventually
And grow out again
I brush on new polish
They’re okay, but then

Look! Over there
Some weeds are now growing
About that new manicure?
Guaranteed, I’ll be blowing

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Bear Scare

Have made it to
My Vermont summer shack
First wildlife I see?
A bear that was black

He was frolicking (?) on
The road to the store
I walk there daily
There’ll be many more

Walks that is
But bears? Let us hope
He was lost and now’s found
Cuz’ with bears I can’t cope

Garter snakes and deer
The occasional toad
These I expect
On my little dirt road

But bears are too big
With huge teeth and four claws
If I see him again
It will give me great pause

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A Small World

No real issues
No big deal
But what’s surprising
A tad unreal

The other driver’s
A friend of a friend
And before either car
Was put on the mend

At the same party
We found ourselves
On our small accident
We chose not to dwell

It’s a small world
As this tale does attest
So it’s always wise
To drive at your best

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Wifely Wisdom

Life would be
So much easier
Things would run
So much breezier

If Hubby would
Simply agree
If the man would
Suddenly see

That I’m the one
Who’s always right
Whatever the problem,
Purpose, or plight

Cindy, go figure,
Always knows best
No need to ponder,
Question, or guess

If only he would
Trust me on this
Oh happy day
And marital bliss!

Husbands, perhaps
Might argue this point
Get themselves riled
A bit out of joint

But wives everywhere
Will surely agree
And right now are saying
“Just listen to me!”

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Whose Muse

This is nothing
But a lame excuse
But blame this week’s stupor
On my difficult muse
Whatever I tried
My muse did refuse
To offer anything that
Might remotely amuse

Here it is, Sunday night
And my poem is really bad
Considering my standards
This is truly sad!
Maybe these next few days
My muse will turn to glad
And what I end up writing
Will somehow turn out rad

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A Feverish Plea

As a writer
I pay attention
To any word
You care to mention

Since this week
I had the flu
“Feverish” struck me
I pondered anew

Doesn’t that word
Mean impatient and irked
High-strung, annoyed,
And going berserk?

Well, that’s how I act
Most of the time
My personality is not
What you’d label sublime

But when fever strikes
I’m all mellow and calm
A little high temp’s
An emotional balm

Nothing bothers me
My worries subside
I move a bit slower
Let the little stuff slide

So the feverish me
I rather enjoy
The feverish approach
I’d like to employ

Even when
I’m not feeling sick
To be mellow and calm
Now that’s quite a trick!

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The To-Do List Blues

I’ve written about
This topic before
If you’re actually
Keeping a score

But my to-do list
Has not gone away
A fixture in my life
Alas, it’s here to stay

Day after day
I cross things off
But I guess I never
Work hard enoff

One chore gets done
And two more appear
Month after month
Year after year

Like the Greek Hydra
My to-do list won’t die
It keeps on growing
Despite how I try

Maybe I’ll just
Toss the thing away
And go outside
To enjoy this lovely day

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Get Lost

You can’t miss it!
Well, take a guess what
The phrase fills me with fear
And puts knots in my gut

If there’s a way to get lost
That’s all I will find
The landmark’s dissappeared
Drives me out of my mind

The GPS system
On my fancy smart-phone
Generally speaking
Can get me back home

But it does make mistakes
That’s what I think
And I find myself lost
Before my eyes blink

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Spring Already, Spring

I like my wool sweaters
Really I do
But by this time of year
You’d think I’d be through

Record cold temps
The weatherman tells me
So of my wool sweaters
I’m not yet set free

I have cotton blouses
And tee-shirts galore
Shucking the heavy stuff
That’s what spring’s for

Grey, beiges, and blacks
I’m so sick of these hues
I’m ready for paisley,
Pinks, and bright blues

Daffodils have blossomed
Robins have appeared
But I’m still wearing wool
Sorry, but that’s weird

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