The Kayaking Blues

I hopped in my kayak
To go for a paddle
But then the rain started
And the skies, they did rattle

Okay, so I hurried
Back to my dock
As the rain quickly stopped
Like the works of a clock

I waited ten minutes
And all seemed so fine
Hopped back into boat
I’ll do better this time

But the process repeated
Itself to a tee
Of thunderstorm worries
I can’t get myself free

So at least for this evening
I’ll sit safe under cover
Perhaps then, tomorrow
For this kayaking-lover
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Stormy Weather

Driving in the driving rain
Was a huge and big fat pain

Especially annoying
I didn’t know where I was going

And of course is was dark
I would have rather stopped and park

But I was expected at this event
An invitation I was sent

And indeed I wanted to go
Oh well, at least it didn’t snow

I made it there in one piece
But the rain never did cease

I got back in my car stalwart
And prepared in the storm to depart

Oh great, we now had fog
But I got a topic for this week’s blog

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