Prickly But Pleasing

I asked what my poem
Should be on today
And Hubby had this
About that to say

Our indoor garden
Is growing quite well
The cacti especially
Are doing most swell

We have several choices
All rather small
My goal is to get one
That’s bigger and tall

Their shapes and their spikes
All look so funny
They prefer the west windows
Where it’s brightest and sunny

I like all the pricklies
That say Do Not Touch
An occasional watering
They don’t ask for much

This little guy
Is putting out shoots
I assume he is happy
Way down to his roots

Oh yes, our cacti
We like quite a lots
And so we give them
Our prettiest pots

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Green Thumb, Here I Come

Hip, hip hooray
Our indoor garden begins today

For a long time, we’ve wanted one
And in our new place, we have lots of sun

Some cactus plants is how we will start
We want easy, since we’re not very smart

Cacti like dry and lots of neglect
To novices like us, that means perfect

Cast Iron plants we also will use
Because, you guessed it, they thrive on abuse

We might try some stuff a bit more fragile
But probably not for a very long while

We have lots of pots and other things we need
And with a little luck, our plants might succeed.

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