Hello Vermont

When we get to Vermont
The first thing we do
Is put in our dock
And when we are through
We find the paddles
And hop in the canoe

When we get to Vermont
It’s usually late May
Although I’m a Vermonter
What can I say?
I don’t like cold weather
So until spring I’m away

When we get to Vermont
We sweep out the shack
Scare away the mice
And tell them we’re back
We buy a few groceries
And then we unpack

When we get to Vermont
The lake is unfrozen
A better spot for our shack
We could not have chosen
Got frolicking to do
So this poem I’m closin’

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Dog Days

The summertime clock is tick-ticking away
And so, this afternoon, today
I sit on the dock, and here I will stay
Come what may
Until the evening of the day

Summertime in Vermont is fleeting indeed
To the weather gods I cajole, beg and plead
About my warm weather preferences and need
But to me they would never, ever concede
To change their Vermont cold winter weather creed

So I take book, umbrella and sunblock
And spend my afternoon upon the lake dock
Though the more disciplined might suffer from shock
On another day all my chores I’ll take stock
But today I take heed of the summertime clock

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