When it comes to Sundays
They have a way
Of going where they will
No matter what I say
I always make plans
To get a lot done
But what else comes up?
Most everything under the sun
My to-do list lingers
With nothing crossed off
It’s as if Sunday knows
At my lists it should scoff
I plan to go shopping
But a call from a friend
Sets me back hours
The thing never ends
Once I get to the store
My needs they don’t stock
Sunday showed them my list
Clerk says check down the block
But the shop down the street
Today closes early
I go home empty-handed
My mood turning surly
Okay, I’ll try laundry
But lo, I’m out of soap
Maybe I’ll go back to bed
Cuz’ I’m finding it hard to cope
Sunday night is now here
I give up and drink wine
Next Sunday will go better
And everything will be fine
But deep down and honestly
I already know
Next Sunday’s to-do list
To the winds I should throw
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