Another sign
I’m getting old
The amount of lotion
I’ve been sold
For every purpose
A specific lotion
My bathroom’s full
To overflowing with potion
They’re also found
In my purse and car
Cuz heaven forbid
I try to get far
Without my fix
Of retinol or aloe
To keep my skin
From going all sallow
Without a cream
For hands and feet
My lotion collection
Would not be complete
I have quite a few
In my fight against aging
Cuz on my face
The wrinkles are raging
But more important
Than wrinkle correction
Are those that work
On sunlight protection
Lotions for day
And lotions for night
Lotions to cure
Most every known blight
Lotions at meal time
Lotions after showers
Lotions that promise me
Superhuman powers
So please excuse me
I have lotion to apply
If I don’t do so soon
My skin might get dry
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