This week I have
Something to shout
My fourth novel Four Play
Is published and out
It took a whole year
And at times I did pout
But now I can smile
Since Four Play is here
Want to know more?
Well, please do not fear
In the fourth Cue Ball Mystery
These issues appear
There’s a murder of course
And Jimmy Beak plays a part
Jessie’d like to get rid of him
It would be a good start
And how does she do that?
Don’t worry, she’s smart
Bad plumbing also
Is a recurring theme
This may sound boring
But it’s not what it seems
It involves sci fi monsters
Who make people scream!
But now I have told you
As much as I plan
So go buy the book, silly
It’s at Amazan
You’ll like it a lot
Please tell all your clan
All rights reserved
Yep, you were right. It is truly awful poetry! (your words) :-)) Best wishes!
Thanks for reading Fred. I do like to warn people about these things!