Weirdest Christmas ever
Our Charleston ties we are about to sever
The timing of this is anything but clever
Moving on December twenty-six
A stupider date we could not have pixed
My body and brain will need to be fixed
We’re packing up boxes
With fragiles and sockses
Is this one full of heavy rockes?
What was I thinking?
I swear I had not been drinking
That box over there seems to be clinking
Now the bookshelves are done
That’s one victory won
But packing up the kitchen will not be much fun
Tomorrow we tackle the shed
A chore I truly do dread
And through it all the cat clamors to be fed
Christmas Eve will be the final packing
Arranging thing as we are taping and stacking
The holiday spirit I seem to be lacking
The movers will arrive at nine
I sure hope all will be fine
Moving on Boxing day ought to be a crime
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