Is a big word
For a silly poem
You might think it absurd
But Vermont has so many
Of these everywhere
Quintessential says it
It’s really quite fair
Covered bridges span
Rivers, brooks, and streams
Yes, of these things
The state really teams
To visit a few
We took a long drive
In this land where
Covered bridges thrive
Cows, farms, and woods
Down dirt roads we raced
To get to each bridge
To see where they’re placed
Of course we got lost
That was part of the vision
Of our covered bridges
Motor tour mission
But as these photos attest
We found quite a few
The most fun part of all
Is when you drive through
Wood planks above, below
Sound of water rushing under
Like much of Vermont
It fills me with wonder
All Rights Reserved
Beautiful country up there. Aren’t covered bridges great? We have a couple around here. This makes me want to see them again.